If symptoms persists the advice of a veterinarian should be sought. Do not spray near eyes or onto sensitive areas around the mouth. Should any skin irritation occur, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.
Where practicable the wound area should be cleansed and any dirt and debris removed. Hold spray container nozzle approximately 10cm from wound site and apply a light layer directly onto the wound, wiping away any excess run-off spray. Treatment should be continued until the wound has thoroughly healed.
TRIGGER SPRAY: Meat: Do not use less than 28 days before slaughter for human consumption.
AEROSOL: Meat: Do Not use less than 28 days before slaughter for human consumption. Milk: Do not use on female cattle or sheep which are producing, or may in the future produce, milk for human consumption. Eggs: Do not use on laying birds where eggs or egg products are to be used for human consumption.